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Pregnancy Yoga Testimonials


"I had always read about the benefits of yoga through pregnancy and went on a mission to find somewhere I could practise. 


It is so great to be in the company of other women who are going through the exact experience you are and that you can get to know.  Like previous classes I took, I expected a session where you get straight down to business and are clock watching, however this experience is the complete opposite with ample time to chat at the beginning about how you are feeling and getting on.  Only then do we settle into doing yoga movements, which I really enjoy and are manageable even in the later stages of pregnancy. 


Jane really is an expert in the area of pregnancy and how to relax your body and mind and because of this, I have also gone on to have private Bowen Technique sessions with her.  The latest one was just incredible in how it has positioned my baby for birth.  All I have to do now is count the days down, but having had the experience of Jane and her birth teaching, I feel really good about what lies ahead."



"I really enjoyed all aspects of pregnancy yoga.  It was lovely to have a few hours away from 'life' each week and have time to concentrate my energy on my unborn baby.  I loved meeting other mums to be and hearing their pregnancy stories and being able to talk about pregnancy and labour without feeling judged. 



Most of all meeting Jane turned my pregnancy around and she encouraged me to make my own choices, throughout my pregnancy and for my birth. Jane never judged me and always saw a positive in everything.  She has been a positive influence in my life as a whole.  I used hypnobirthing at the end of my pregnancy and during my labour.  I spoke to Jane as I was in labour, she helped me realise that I could do it and it would be ok.  She told me I was doing a great job and I believed her.  It gave me the strength to carry on with good thoughts.  I will be eternally grateful to Jane and her classes and will never be able to thank her enough"




"When I found out I was pregnant with my second child I felt really fearful that I was going to experience another traumatic birth but then I found Jane Jennings and her pregnancy yoga classes. I attended the classes most weeks and through these classes she helped me get rid of my fear and taught me some amazing breathing techniques.



The day I went into labour, I felt confident and was able to do it on my own at home using the breathing techniques that Jane had taught me and when I arrived at hospital I was delighted to find out I was 5cm dilated. I went on to experience a wonderful and positive birth. I would highly recommend Jane's classes."







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